Exam Average Calculator


Enter each exam grade separated by a comma, space, or on a new line. Then press the "Calculate" button to calculate the exam average grade.

Calculator Instructions

This calculator can be used to calculate the average grade for an exam or test. If you are a teacher, you can quickly calculate the exam average grade for your class by entering each student's exam grade.

To get started, simply gather all of the student grades and enter them into the text box of the calculator. The grades can be entered with a comma or space between them, or each grade can be entered on a new line.

With all of the grades entered, press the "calculate" button to view the test average.

Use the "clear" button to reset the calculator and start over.

How to calculate an exam average grade?

  1. First add all of the grades together.
  2. Then divide by the total number of grades. This gives you the average.

Exam Average Grade Formula

Exam Average Grade = (g1 + g2 + g3 + …) / (n)


g = grade

n = total number of grades

Example Calculation

Here is an example. Let's say you have four students in your class. On the classes' first math test, the students received the following grades: 90%, 95%, 100%, and 80%.

To calculate the exam average grade, follow these steps:

  1. Add the student grades together. In this example, we have 90 + 95 + 100 + 80 = 365.
  2. Now divide the total from step 1 by the total number of grades. That gives use 365 / 4 = 91.25. Therefore, our exam average grade is 91.25%.

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