Quiz Grade Calculator

Use this calculator to calculate the grade earned on a quiz. Simply enter the total number of questions on the quiz, the number that are wrong, and then view the results.

The grading table at the bottom of the calculator makes it fast to grade an entire stack of quizes. It shows the grade earned for all possible number of wrong answers.

If you are looking to calculate the average grade on a quiz, you can use our Class Average Calculator.

Quiz Grade Calculator

Total Number of Quiz Questions:

Number wrong:

How to calculate a quiz grade?

  1. First, determine the total number of problems on the quiz.
  2. Then count the number of incorrectly answered questions.
  3. Next, subtract the number of wrong questions from the total number of quiz questions.
  4. Then divide the result from step 3 by the total number of questions.
  5. Last, multiple the result from step 4 by 100 to determine your grade.

Grade Percentage Formula

grade percentage = ((total number of quiz questions - number wrong) / total number of quiz questions) * 100

Example Calculation

  1. For this example, let's assume there are 30 problems on a quiz. The total number of questions is equal to 30.
  2. Let's also assume that the student got 5 questions wrong. Therefore the number of questions wrong is equal to 5.
  3. Now subtract the number of wrong questions from the total number of quiz questions. That give us 30 - 5 = 25.
  4. Now divide the result from step 3 by the total number of quiz questions. That gives us 25 / 30 = 0.8333.
  5. To get the grade in percentages, multiple the result from step 4 by 100. In this example, the grade percentage is 0.8333 x 100 = 83.33%.

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